7 Hotel Security Tips

Most survival tips are designed to help make your home more secure, like some kind of armageddon-proof fortress. And that’s a great thing… What many of these guidelines fail to realize, however, is that a person is much more vulnerable outside of their home, in unfamiliar territory so to speak. Especially when you’re traveling… If you’ve ever been the victim of a pickpocket, mugging, or theft, you probably weren’t in your own home. Opportunistic criminals make a habit of targeting travelers, precisely because tourists are generally unfamiliar with their surroundings and a little disoriented. They’re easy targets and they stick […]

How to Stack and Season Firewood

Summer’s over and the cold fronts are already starting to move across the country. Finally, it’s fireplace season (or fire pit season) once again. But of course, you’ll need something to burn… Stacking and seasoning firewood is by no means rocket science, but it’s not as simple as piling up a bunch of logs either. There are many subtle tricks of the trade that, when taken into consideration, can save you headaches down the road. Even if you do have a stockpile of firewood stacked neatly in the yard,  you may want to take a moment to check your work. 3 […]