Hunter’s Deli: Simple Corned Venison Recipe [STEP-BY-STEP]

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bucksepiatpcDiehard deer hunters are always looking out for new recipes that make the taste of their venison as sweet as thrill of the hunt that brought it to the table. While just about every hunter knows 2 or 3 recipes that work great with this very flavorful, yet extremely lean meat, it’s easy to wear those recipes out like mom’s meatloaf.

If you’ve ever gone toe-to-toe with a freezer piled high with venison, you know what you’re up against. In short, it can be a bit challenging.

Venison is very easy to overcook and has the tendency to dry out, way out. This is why good venison recipes should be locked in your vault like priceless paintings. Rotating through these top-notch, masterpiece recipes is what keeps your loved ones excited about the venison you’re putting on the table (and thus willing to let you go hunting more often). Wink. Wink.

Corned beef is a favorite among sandwich fanatics for good reason. It’s combination of curing and brine locks delicious flavor and moisture to even the leanest cuts of beef. With this recipe, you can use this technique to make amazing delicatessen style venison for your sandwich savoring enjoyment.

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