The Easiest Way to Soothe Annoying Chigger Bites [VIDEO]

Chiggers are commonly found in tall grasses, and their bite can lead to the most intense itching experience of your entire life! These pests are most active during the afternoon, and the temperature needs to be above 60 degrees Fahrenheit for them to remain active. Unlike ticks, chiggers are way too small for most people to see them without the assistance of a magnifying glass. However, just like ticks, chiggers can stay attached to your skin for an extended period of time. Chiggers are most attracted to wrists, armpits, ankles, behind the knees and the groin region. You can minimize […]

The Easiest Way to Remove a Tick [VIDEO]

It’s summertime, and this means that you are most likely going to spend a lot more time in the great outdoors. Unfortunately, this will leave you exposed to the possibility of getting bitten by ticks and chiggers. Not only will a bite cause you discomfort but it could also make you sick. Ticks: Removing These Dangerous Pests There are several tick-borne diseases in the U.S., including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Tularemia. Lyme disease is a medical condition that impacts the muscle and joints. Other symptoms include fatigue, fevers, headaches and a stiff neck. If the condition goes […]