Top 15 Incredible and Hilarious Redneck Automotive Innovations [PICS]

Duct-tape craftsmanship and artisanal baling wire are two of our favorite hobbies here at The Patriot Caller. And of course, we believe it would be foolhardy to suggest that WD-40 is NOT an integral part of the solution to every problem mankind has ever faced… It’s amazing what you can do (or do without) when you put your mind to it and engage in a little, ummm… resourcefulness? Lots of our readers are interested in leading more self-reliant lifestyles, or even going off-the-grid. While others among us are (you know who you are) are just incredibly cheap, and refuse to pay professionals to […]

8 Items You MUST Keep in Your Vehicle

Bug Out Basics: Your Bug-Out Vehicle Checklist In my first “Outsmarting the Gridlock” post, I discussed the importance of building a comprehensive bug-out bag for each member of your family. Timing is crucial and there’s no time to pack. But that article left out one critical piece of information: How will you actually get out of dodge? You’re not planning to hike out to that remote cabin in the woods are you? For most of us, our bug-out location (whether it’s a family farm or a relative’s house) is simply beyond a reasonable walking distance, WAY outside… More than likely, […]