Will A Bite From This Snake Kill You?

QUESTION: Will a bite from the snake pictured above kill you? ANSWER: No. Often mistaken for highly venomous coral snake, the scarlet king snake pictured above is non-venomous and even beneficial to have around for rodent control. The coral snake (featured on page 10) is identified by the common Boy Scout saying “Red and yellow, kill a fellow. Red and black, friend of Jack.” Thus, if the snake has red and yellow bands touching, it’s a Texas coral snake or eastern coral snake. The Arizona coral snake features a very pale yellow band, nearly white, that touches its yellow bands. 

Do THIS When a Venomous Snake Bites You [INSTRUCTIONS]

So you’re outdoors enjoying a beautiful day hunting, hiking, or maybe just doing some yard work when IT happens! You feel a sudden compressions and stinging pain in your leg. You look down in time to see a snake retreating quickly into the bushes… The stinging sensation becomes a burning sensation that shoots up and down your leg. Plus, the bite area is throbbing like crazy. And you’re starting to wonder, “Is this what it feels like as you begin to succumb to death by snakebite?” The first thought that enters your mind following that overwhelming fear of dread is, “Don’t […]

The Four Venomous Snakes in North America [INFOGRAPHIC]

The mere sight of a snake can send shivers down the spine of the ordinary man or woman. Due to lack of education or understanding, people often hold an irrational fear of snakes. The truth is, unless you provoke them, snakes are shy and prefer to keep themselves out of bother. That said, in North America, there are over 8000 snake bites every year. This is why the guys at Sniff Outdoors have produced an infographic on how to identify the four types of venomous snakes, how best to prevent a snake bite and what to do if you are […]

Will a Bite From This Snake Cost You $153 Thousand? [PICS]

QUESTION: Will a bite from the snake pictured above bankrupt you? It doesn’t take a herpetologist (reptile scientist) to know that it’s extremely dangerous to get too close to a rattlesnake. But even if you do survive a bite, what are the financial ramifications? Let’s just say that, if the venom doesn’t get you,  the hospital bill might scare you to death… ANSWER: Take a look at this hospital bill. It very well may shock you… Remember the Rattlesnake bite story I did Monday? Guy just sent me this pic of his bill. Uhhhhhhh….. pic.twitter.com/ahK2W9KxVg — Dan Haggerty (@10NewsHaggerty) July […]

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Know Your Venomous North American Snakes

When the weather gets nice, it’s time for the hikers, campers, and outdoor enthusiasts to come out of hiding… which happens to correlate with an uptick in snake activity (including venomous ones). First things first, I’ll say that I’m not one of those people who believes all snakes should be killed on sight. If a snake is non-venomous, I’ll let it slither on it’s way every time. If it’s venomous, and too close to my house or yard, that’s when a decision has to be made. In order to make that decision, I first need to identify the species of snake […]