8 Ways to Purify Water You Never Knew About

Water is an essential liquid that can help keep your skin moisturized. Your body also utilizes water to maintain key bodily functions and regulate a normal temperature. As your body loses water through digestion, breathing and sweating, you’ll need to replenish the fluids regularly to prevent dehydration. Additionally, to maintain the essential health and wellness in humans, animals and vegetation, your water needs to be free from impurities such as minerals, contaminants and other pathogens. If the liquid isn’t in its purest form, the bacteria can cause health complications through diseases and illnesses. The following are ways to purify water […]

Top 10 Lessons Every Prepper Can Learn from The Walking Dead

“The Walking Dead” is much more than just an entertaining zombie show that regularly smashes television ratings records. It is also a good primer about many of the things that preppers should and should not do in the event of a major disaster. After all, Rick Grimes and the rest of his crew have made a lot of mistakes along the way, and this has cost many people their lives. However, the core group continues to survive, and this is primarily due to their survival skills and willingness to adapt to life during the zombie apocalypse. Have you taken the show’s […]

10 Self-Reliance Skills EVERYONE Should Learn

There are a number of skills that, no matter who you are, you MUST have a working knowledge of in order to be self-sufficient in a SHTF scenario. It’s essential that you know at least how to perform these tasks theoretically… even if you can’t boast any true, hands-on experience just yet. These aren’t necessarily difficult tasks. Some of them are as simple as knowing the proper way to cut down a tree. Others are simple overviews, common sense guides for how to perform fundamental tasks like the Heimlich maneuver. The key factor is that they’re all fact-checked and accurate. They […]