How To Start a Fire With Urine [VIDEO]

True or False: You can start a fire with your own pee. TRUE. Depending on how hydrated you are, it may be far easier than you would ever think. In fact, if you can fill a clear plastic water bottle with fairly clear urine, then you have a lens. With that lens, although its not as efficient as a magnifying glass, can be used in much the same way. By holding the bottle upside down and allowing sunlight to pass through the convex top, you can focus the light onto tinder and create smoldering embers. Simply fan those embers, add […]

5 Ways to Boost Your Night Vision

We can all agree that seeing in the darkness is a huge advantage under everyday circumstances. In a crisis situation, the quality of your night vision will be that much more important. Now, I wish I had 5 easy steps that would allow you to suddenly have the night vision of a cat (they require only 1/6th the light we do)… but unfortunately there are no known exercises, pills, or surgeries that can pull off that miracle. You can dramatically improve your vision at night however. With a few simple techniques, tricks, and even a couple of “magic pills” you […]

Top 5 Must Haves for Your Blackout Kit

Most Americans laugh off the threat of power outages, believing the power will come back on in a few minutes… but as many of us have experienced first-hand, sometimes these blackouts can last hours or even days. Have you ever had to endure a blackout that lasted waaaay longer than you expected? I have. And here’s the thing, I wasn’t prepared. It was a real mess. And sure, flashlights are important in a blackout, but there are a lot of other items that are equally, if not more important. That’s why I’m not wasting a spot on my top 5 […]