Warning: Ticks Suck… and They’re Carrying Nasty Diseases This Year!

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Tick Prevention

As you can see, ticks come in many sizes and body types. Between this and their natural ability to hide while they are feeding, it is imperative to always take preventative measures each time you enter the woods.

According to the CDC, the best way to prevent a tick bite is to spray your exposed skin and clothing with an insect repellent that contains at least 20 percent DEET. There are also many other techniques that you can utilize to reduce your odds of a tick bite:

  • Treat your gear and clothing with products that contain 0.5 percent permethrin.
  • Stick to the center of the trail.
  • Steer clear of areas with leaf litter and high or bushy grass.
  • Carefully inspect your body, clothing and gear regularly so that you can remove ticks.
  • Wear long pants and shirts.
  • Tuck your pants into your shoes.
  • Wear light colors to make ticks more visible.

It is also possible to use a natural tick repellent that is made from one cup of water and two cups of distilled white vinegar. For a more pleasant aroma, you can add 20 drops of eucalyptus, citrus or peppermint oil. Make sure that you spray this mixture onto your hair, clothing and skin. You should also reapply any tick repellent at least once every four hours.

Image by Flickr User Fairfax County

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