If Your Password is on This List, Your Identity is NOT Safe

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Young male thief stealing data from computerHow to Create Unhackable Passwords

Here are a few tips for strengthening your passwords:

  • Use the maximum number of characters available.
  • Replace letters with symbols and numbers. For example, “Au$t1N” instead of Austin.
  • Pick strong security questions.

Even better, if you want to create a truly secure, unhackable password, it needs to be a truly random series of characters. To do this, use a random password generator like this one available through Norton:

Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 3.42.04 PM

Of course, this begs the question: How can I remember a completely random password?

The answer is to save that password somewhere secure. For example, you might make a spreadsheet with all of your important passwords and usernames saved. This will be you master list in case a virus or unforeseen accident damages your computer.

In fact, this is the kind of critical information you’d want to keep in your bug-out bag, should you ever need to leave in a hurry during a disaster.

However, you can’t store this sensitive information in your computer!

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