6 Cooking Hacks for Fishermen and Hunters

  While heading home after a successful fishing or hunting trip, you are most likely going to begin daydreaming about cooking up a delicious meal. However, many of the most common recipes either take a long time or can lead to complications such as burned meat unless you are extremely careful and adept at cooking. To help you avoid these issues and enjoy your catch more thoroughly, we have compiled a list of easy to use cooking hacks for fishermen and hunters. Photo by Grand River Conservation: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Watch This Crazy Fisherman Hand Feed a Wild Snake [VIDEO]

Think snakes are dumb? Think again… The title of the YouTube video is literally “Dumb Snake,” which has got to be one of the most grossly inaccurate titles we’ve come across in a long time. This snake sits in the reeds, spots the man offering him a free fish, and swims on over nonchalantly for a free lunch. For a human, this behavior might be seen as “dumb,” but for a snake? RELATED: 10 Incredible Snake Videos You Can NEVER “Unsee” As best we can tell, this snake has been trained, or conditioned rather, to climb up on a small pier […]