Long Range Shooting 101: Top 5 Rifles and Calibers for Survivalists

The art of shooting long distances engages a different set of skills and techniques than tactical, cowboy-action, or skeet shooting. Some may say long distance shooting is golf, whereas tactical shooting is basketball. Repetition, attention to detail, and the proper equipment can make an enormous difference when it comes to long distance accuracy. And, of course, these are just preparations you make to offset all the less-than-ideal conditions that you’ll almost certainly be dealing with in any real-world scenario. Back to the Fundamentals The key to performing nearly anything requiring precision under pressure is, to oversimplify a bit, practice. To […]

Ted Cruz Shares His “Machine Gun” Bacon Recipe [VIDEO]

Though some may call it superfluous, ridiculous, or a waste of perfectly good ammo… Texas Sen. Ted Cruz calls it “cookin’ breakfast.” At Patriot Caller, we’ll call it what it really is: A shameless attempt to get the Republican presidential candidate some free publicity… as well as an apparent misuse of the term “machine gun.” Still, we do believe it’s important that you, the American voter, gets an opportunity to see your presidential candidates as they shoot a firearm. It just seems practical. If we’d seen the way President Obama handles a shotgun, would he have been elected? It’s hard […]

How to Permanently Delete Your Files With a .44 Mag [VIDEO]

You can never be too careful with your personal information these days. With so many hackers and cyber crooks out there trying to steal your data, sometimes you have to go to extremes to ensure that your identity is safe. When the delete button simply isn’t enough, you may find the need to render your hard drive useless by physically damaging it. RELATED: How to Fry Bacon on Your Shotgun Barrel [VIDEO] Some folks at the IRS may simply send their hard drive through the shredder… but what those pencil pushers don’t know is that they’re missing a golden opportunity to learn […]