Survival Food Series: Step-by-Step Hardtack

Tried and true, hardtack is an easy to prepare food that has traditionally been used by sailors, soldiers, and cowboys as part of their rations. Throughout American history, whenever it was time to load up the wagon and get out of Dodge in a hurry, a crate full of hardtack was just about mandatory. This hard and dry cracker/biscuit/bread requires minimal water and can stay edible for an extended period of time without requiring refrigeration. In other words, knowing how to make hardtack could be an invaluable skill when the SHTF, and it is also a good idea to take hardtack […]

9 Easiest Veggies for Beginners

x Getting off the grid isn’t just about electricity. If you truly want to be self-sufficient, you have to get off the “food grid.” Shopping at your local farmers market is not enough… The local farmer’s market is a very good resource, however, because it helps you learn about what kinds of veggies are grown on local farms. It also puts you in contact with others who can help give you guidance as your start planting your own survival garden. Gardening is a learning process, to say the least. You’ll never know it all, but you want to avoid getting […]

10 Survival Foods You Should Be Growing

x Gardening, whether it’s hydroponic, aquaponic, or traditional, is an essential survival skill. No matter how much food you have in storage, unless it can clone itself, it’s entirely finite. Even if it’s entirely secure and pumped so full of preservatives it could last a hundred years, it’s not truly sustainable. In fact, a diet loaded with heavy preservatives may send you to an early grave… No to mention, eating a diet consisting of bland, tasteless MREs may drive you insane. Remember, Columbus and other explorers were searching for more efficient routes to feed Europe’s cravings for spices. Food is […]

Top 7 Food Hoarding Blunders

x Q: What’s better than a survival food cache?  A: A survival food cache that you can actually use in a crisis… You might think I’m being disingenuous, but I’m really not. Creating a survival food cache takes a lot more effort than just piling up some canned goods in the hall closet. And believing you have a comprehensive food cache when you really don’t can be more dangerous than not having one at all. Not only should you spend some time thinking about nutritional needs and how your store foods can be used to make actual meals… there are countless other considerations that […]

Top 7 Food Hoarding Blunders

Q: What’s better than a survival food cache?  A: A survival food cache that you can actually use in a crisis… You might think I’m being disingenuous, but I’m really not. Creating a survival food cache takes a lot more effort than just piling up some canned goods in the hall closet. And believing you have a comprehensive food cache when you really don’t can be more dangerous than not having one at all. Not only should you spend some time thinking about nutritional needs and how your store foods can be used to make actual meals… there are countless other considerations that can […]

9 Easiest Veggies for Beginners

Getting off the grid isn’t just about electricity. If you truly want to be self-sufficient, you have to get off the “food grid.” Shopping at your local farmers market is not enough… The local farmer’s market is a very good resource, however, because it helps you learn about what kinds of veggies are grown on local farms. It also puts you in contact with others who can help give you guidance as your start planting your own survival garden. Gardening is a learning process, to say the least. You’ll never know it all, but you want to avoid getting in […]

10 Survival Foods You Should Be Growing

Gardening, whether it’s hydroponic, aquaponic, or traditional, is an essential survival skill. No matter how much food you have in storage, unless it can clone itself, it’s entirely finite. Even if it’s entirely secure and pumped so full of preservatives it could last a hundred years, it’s not truly sustainable. In fact, a diet loaded with heavy preservatives may send you to an early grave… No to mention, eating a diet consisting of bland, tasteless MREs may drive you insane. Remember, Columbus and other explorers were searching for more efficient routes to feed Europe’s cravings for spices. Food is critical, […]