Hunt Deer Like a Pro on Your First Time Out

The ability to successfully hunt deer is a skill that brings food to the table and puts clothing on your family’s backs. A good hunter never allows any part of the deer to go to waste. They also do their homework and do their research to better understand the tips for hunting and processing a deer properly. If you’re a novice to the sport, you should take the time to understand the intricate details before you get started – it may save you a great amount of hassle if you do. First things first – in order to master this […]

You Won’t Believe This Simple Headache Cure

Approximately 14 million Americans suffer from chronic daily headaches, and many more occasionally experience tension type headaches or migraines. This not only makes sufferers feel miserable but it can also cause their personal and professional lives to suffer, especially if they have a chronic condition. The good news is that there are several methods that you can utilize to help stop a headache in its tracks, including one technique that you may not have considered before. Photo by Sarah

6 Cooking Hacks for Fishermen and Hunters

  While heading home after a successful fishing or hunting trip, you are most likely going to begin daydreaming about cooking up a delicious meal. However, many of the most common recipes either take a long time or can lead to complications such as burned meat unless you are extremely careful and adept at cooking. To help you avoid these issues and enjoy your catch more thoroughly, we have compiled a list of easy to use cooking hacks for fishermen and hunters. Photo by Grand River Conservation: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The 5 Best Canned Foods for Energy and Health [PICS]

A well-stocked pantry with a diverse list of food items that have a long shelf life is by far your best bet if you want to be prepared for any potential future disaster situations, but not everyone has an abundance of storage space available. Even if you do have a lot of space for stacking canned goods and other non-perishable items, it is still wise to prioritize your choices based on nutrients and protein. After all, without your daily essential nutrients, it will not take long before you become weak and possibly even sick. RELATED: How to Open a Can […]

Stay Cool and Save Money With a DIY Awning [INSTRUCTIONS]

Awnings are one of the easiest and most efficient ways to cool off your house during the summer without paying an exorbitant amount of energy for air conditioning. In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy estimates that you can experience a 77 percent reduction of solar heat gain by simply putting an awning over every window that faces the west. South-facing windows should also be protected by an awning, and this can eliminate 65 percent of your home’s solar heat gain. Even if you can only afford to put one awning in place, the shade that it provides will help […]

How to Create Your Own Hanging Plant Garden [Step-by-Step]

Ready-made hanging plants are products that come with the necessary pot and hanger, along with the plant itself. These are perfect for hanging from any hooks you have available on the exterior or interior of your house, but what if you have limited space or want a more uniform appearance? There are numerous DIY hanging plant garden ideas that can help you get the most out of plants that are either pre-potted or transplanted into attractive containers. To assist you with the process, we have compiled instructions for two simplistic and inexpensive options. Image by Suzette –, via Flickr

5 Ways to Remedy the Itch of Poison Ivy and its Evil Cousins

The itchy rash that is left behind as evidence of exposure to poison ivy, sumac or oak is an extremely unpleasant experience. Scratching the itchy spots can cause them to rupture, and this will help the rash spread to other areas of your body. Therefore, you need to take immediate action to remedy the situation. What follows are 5 ways to remedy the itch of poison ivy and its evil cousins, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac.

How to Easily Identify Poison Ivy, Poison Sumac and Poison Oak [PICS]

Whether you plan to spend a lot of time in the woods this summer or simply plan to enjoy the outdoors on your own property, it’s very possible that you will encounter some vegetation that will bring your good times to a screeching halt — i.e. poison ivy, sumac or oak. In order to keep yourself from dealing with the intense itching that is associated with each of these plants, it is vital to learn how to identify them so that you can steer clear of their leaves. Some people are lucky enough not to be allergic to these plants… but you […]

The Easiest Way to Remove a Tick [VIDEO]

It’s summertime, and this means that you are most likely going to spend a lot more time in the great outdoors. Unfortunately, this will leave you exposed to the possibility of getting bitten by ticks and chiggers. Not only will a bite cause you discomfort but it could also make you sick. Ticks: Removing These Dangerous Pests There are several tick-borne diseases in the U.S., including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Tularemia. Lyme disease is a medical condition that impacts the muscle and joints. Other symptoms include fatigue, fevers, headaches and a stiff neck. If the condition goes […]

5 of the Best Backpacks for Braving the Great Outdoors

Whether you are an avid hiker, are planning a backpacking trip through a foreign country or simply want to be prepared for any emergency situation, it is a wise idea to have a quality backpack on hand at all times. Backpacks are often designed differently from bugout bags, but they can be just as worthwhile for anything that life throws your way. There are hundreds of good options available. To make it easier to select the right one for your lifestyle, we have gathered a list of five of the most notable recent offerings from top backpack manufacturers. Flickr user […]