You Won’t Believe This Simple Headache Cure

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Heat_wave_refresh_it_with_waterAm I Dehydrated?

Before you begin drinking massive amounts of water — and yes, it is possible to die from ingesting too much water at one time — you need to determine if you are actually dehydrated. If you cannot remember the last time you took a drink of water because you have been sucking down coffee or soda all day, the odds are high that you headache has been caused by dehydration.

On the other hand, if you have stuck with water all day or are uncertain if you consume enough H20 on a daily basis, you can check yourself for obvious signs of dehydration.

Even a mild form of dehydration can cause a long list of symptoms, including dry mouth, constipation, dry skin, dizziness, sleepiness, reduced urination and thinning nails.

A more advanced case can lead to sunken eyes, low blood pressure, fever, rapid breathing and heartbeat, delirium, shriveled skin and minimal urination. If you ever experiences the symptoms of a severe case, it will be necessary to seek medical attention.

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