8 Ways to Open a Beer Without a Bottle Opener [VIDEO]

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Seat Belt

Not to condone drinking and driving, but if you’ve never had the opportunity to discover how perfectly a the male end of a seatbelt is for opening a bottle, well… you might accuse the manufacturer or doing so!

At the tailgate, campsite, or at the dove hunt, as long as you arrived in car you have a builtin bottle opener.

Your Pearly Whites (NOT RECOMMENDED)

If you’re truly in a SHTF beer scenario and you’ve run out of time to be creative, the teeth you’ve invested so many toothbrushes and dental visits to preserve can be used to open a beer bottle…

Be advised, this can really take a heavy toll on your tooth enamel.

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  1. #1 Best Outdoor Beer Holder for the Great Outdoors [VIDEO] – Patriot Caller

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