8 Telltale Signs a Twister’s a-Coming!

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4. Loud Sounds Like a Train

Do you hear the loud roar or rumble of a train or jet? That may be normal in your area, but if the sound is continuous and does not fade shortly after thunder strikes, you need to take cover.

Many people who have lived through a tornado have reported hearing a sound like a train throughout the entire experience — Not the train’s horn, mind you, the actual sound of it’s wheels against the track.

Other reports have also indicated the noise may sound like a jet or a waterfall. Either way, the volume of the noise is said to be unbelievably loud, to the point where you won’t be able to hear people who are only a couple of feet away.

In other words, if it sounds like a train is about to crash into your house, you’ve definitely got a problem and must take shelter immediately.

Photo by Extra Zebra

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