How to Survive an Encounter With America’s Most Dangerous Creatures [STEP-BY-STEP]

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2. Wolves

Are you surprised to learn that dogs are much deadlier than wolves?

If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. Of course, wolves encounter humans with much less frequency than dogs. Plus, there’s the fact that there are very few of these formerly endangered animals lurking the woods of North America.

Still, knowing that they only kill 10 people per year may make it easier for you not to freak out if you find yourself facing a lone wolf or, even worse, an entire pack of them.

Wolves love to chase their prey, so whatever you do, don’t try to run. Instead, just like with dogs, stand still and avoid eye contact. If they don’t begin growling or moving toward you, it will be okay to attempt to slowly walk backward after letting a couple of minutes pass. But whatever you do, don’t fall down or act fearful because this will make them pounce on you.

If the aggression worsens, stand as tall as you can, raise your arms above your head and yell. You can also throw rocks and sticks near them to try to scare them off. If an actual attack happens, you need to curl into a ball and protect your face, throat and neck.

Photo via YouTube


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