How to Tell if Someone is Lying (and Why it Matters MOST in the Apocalypse)

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9. They Offer Far Too Many Details4762759653_d23ef7d0cb_b

If you ask the typical truthful person where they went for lunch today, they will respond with the name of the location. It’s possible that they will also tell you what they ate and an amusing anecdote about their experience, but the odds are high that their response will end there. On the other hand, if they are lying to you, they are much more likely to fill in their answer with a ridiculous amount of extra details that you do not need to know. Therefore, if someone provides way too much information about a simple question, it is vital to be aware that they are probably lying to you.

And now that you know the basics of how to catch a liar in action, it is good idea to begin practicing this new knowledge before the SHTF. Be sure to keep in mind that not everyone reacts the same way, so there is truly no foolproof method for discovering a lie. For instance, people who are socially awkward may do many of the things on this list without lying to you, but this is a distinction that you can also pick up over time. Ultimately, though, if you are in an apocalyptic scenario and someone is displaying the signs of a possible lie, it is better to protect yourself than to attempt to determine if they are merely nervous or socially awkward.

Photo by Jing Qu

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