How to Tell if Someone is Lying (and Why it Matters MOST in the Apocalypse)

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5. They Exhibit Microexpressions


According to experts in lie detection, microexpressions can help you root out a liar. Paul Ekman, PhD, a renowned authority in lie detection explains what a microexpression is.

“A microexpression is a very brief expression, usually about a 25th of a second, that is always a concealed emotion. Almost everyone — 99% of those we’ve tested in about 10,000 people — won’t see them,” says Ekman. “But it can be taught.”

Here’s what this boils down to using this method: If a person is angry about something, but tells you to the contrary that they are happy, the microexpression will manifest itself for the briefest instant on that person’s face.

The same goes for feelings such as fear, anger and jealousy in this scenario. The emotion will manifest itself in the blink of an eye, and your survival may depend on picking up on a lie that is as plain as the (quick) expression on their face.

Photo by martinak15

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