The #1 Best Bug-Out Cabin ISN’T a Cabin? [VIDEO GALLERY]

When it comes to building your own “cabin in the woods,” the possibilities are virtually infinite, even if your budget is far from it. Many of you know this already. If not, you might take a moment to click through our post entitled “5 Mortgage Free Cabins.” Well, allow us to throw one more innovative idea into this already well-rounded mix: Is it possible that the most cost-effective option is to NOT build a costly permanent structure on your property? At least, not until you’re absolutely sure about your needs and your finances? RELATED: 5 Keys to Finding the Perfect Bug-Out […]

5 Mortgage-Free Survival Cabin Ideas

It’s no secret that many of us within the self-reliance movement would absolutely love to build a survival cabin in the wilderness… Both to enjoy on the weekends AND to serve as a bug-out location in a long period of social/economic turmoil. The problem for most of us, as it is with most dreams, is being able to afford this dream. Buying property costs money, then on top of that you have to somehow finance the materials and construction of your idyllic “cabin in the woods.” Fortunately for any of you “log cabin dreamers,” there’s a virtual army of peppers, survivalists, nature-lovers, […]