10 Survival Tricks From the “Movies” That Will Backfire

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6. Soft Spots Cannot Remove the Impact of a Long Fall


Imagine for a moment that you are on the top of a 10 story building and you have to make a choice between jumping and getting killed by a bad guy.

You look down, and you see a mattress, a snow bank or some other spot that is softer than the ground below you. Movies and TV shows (most recently, “Game of Thrones”) have shown that this will work, and you will only receive minor injuries, right? Unfortunately, Hollywood is wrong once again.

A fall from a short distance will be helped a lot by a soft landing, but if you are going to fall more than 30 feet, the odds are high that you will still end up either dead or severely injured.  

Photo by Ravi

7. No One is a Great Shot on Their First Try


Movies show good guys grabbing guns left and right and instantly knowing how to fire a kill shot.

This is not only completely inaccurate but also an insult to those who spend time properly training with firearms. Even if you are an exceptionally good shot, you cannot expect to pick up a new weapon and perfectly predict the recoil and any adjustments that must be made to hit your target.

Therefore, if you do end up with a strange weapon in a life or death situation, it is best to aim center mass so that you have the best chance of actually landing your first shot.

Photo by skyandsea876

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