6 Alternative Uses for Tea Tree Oil

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Tea Tree Oil Uses In The Home

Many people report that tea tree oil can be used to make various DIY cleaning and self-care products. Try these ideas to get you started:

teatree7All Purpose Cleaner:

• Try making an effective, all-purpose cleaner with natural antiseptic qualities by combining a few teaspoons of tea tree oil with a few cups of warm water in a spray bottle.

Natural Homemade Carpet Cleaner:


  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 20-40 drops tea tree oil

To Make:

Mix baking soda and tea tree oil together, and put in a shaker container with holes in the lid (such as a large, empty spice container).

Let this mixture sit for 24 hours to allow the tea tree  oil to permeate the baking soda.

  • The baking soda is a natural carpet cleaner, and will help to remove any odors from your carpet.

The tea tree oil will not only leave a wonderful scent, but will also help to cleanse your carpet as well.

Please note, however, that if you have pets, the ASPCA advises you to stay away from tea tree oil.

To Use:

Sprinkle lightly over carpet. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes, and then vacuum as usual.

Soiled Laundry:

• Add a teaspoon of tea tree oil to heavily soiled laundry along with your natural detergent to kill any bacteria.

Diaper Pail:

To help keep the nursery smelling fresh, take a reusable wipe and put two drops of tea tree oil on it. Drape that cloth over the side of the pail  then close the lid.  You can do it with cloth or disposables.

Pest Control:

Deter household pests, like ants and bugs, by wiping tea tree oil at points of entry, like windowsills.  A few drops in your pets’ crates or beds keep the fleas away.


• A few drops of tea tree oil on your toothbrush between uses will keep it clean and free of germs.

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