5 Reasons You Need to Grow Your Own Food

Did you know that the food you ate today was contaminated? It’s almost a guarantee. Most of the time, foods with potentially harmful ingredients are forced to include them on their labels, think: Trans fats… However, when Big Government joins forces with large corporate interests, there’s no limit to how much information they’ll try to conceal from the American public. It’s bad enough to stealthily contaminate the US food supply with GMOs, but to attack and defeat any legislation that requires GMO labeling… that’s how you know that the corruption has reached the highest levels of government. What’s the harm in […]

EU Moves to Ban Heirloom Seeds

As genetically modified crops continue to take over the world’s food supply, politicians are looking into ways to give companies like Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences every advantage (that’s what those lobbyists get paid for). The state of European agriculture has got so Orwellian that some politicians in the EU now consider non-GMO seeds a threat to stability. In fact, they’ve adopted measures to ban all seeds that haven’t been “tested, approved and accepted.” Well, who has the incentive to undergo a rigorous testing and regulatory process? Mother nature? I don’t think she has the financing or the legal team… But you […]

Supreme Court Backs Monsanto Seed-opoly

Can a company own a strain of DNA inside of a seed that’s grown and harvested by an individual? The answer appears to be yes, according to a decision handed down by the “highest” court in the land last week. The Supreme Court’s decision raises fresh concerns about the decaying state of America’s agriculture. In this particular case, a farmer in Indiana was ordered to pay Monsanto $84,000 for seeds that he purchased from a local grain elevator! Seed form grain elevators is typically used as feed, but this farmer chose to plant his seeds, grew a late-season crop of […]