6 Cooking Hacks for Fishermen and Hunters

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2. Use a Beer Cooler to Cook Your Meat


Your beer cooler is probably packed during your hunting trip, but after you get home, you can repurpose it as the perfect way to utilize the sous-vide cooking technique at a fraction of the normal cost.

For the uninitiated, it has been determined that cooking meat in a sealed bag that is submerged in heated water is by far the best way to get the most out of your hunting excursion. This cooking method takes more time that other standard options, but it will provide you with perfectly cooked, juicy results.

So how do you avoid spending hundreds of dollars on a sous-vide cooking application? The answer is simple: after your cooler is emptied out and cleaned, fill it with hot water. To give you an example of the temperature range, steak requires 127 degrees Fahrenheit, but you would need to heat the water up to 142 degrees for chicken. After the temperature is well-suited to the food in question, place the meat in a sealed bag with all of the air squeezed out. Next, put the bag in the water and wait 45 minutes. Viola! Your meat is now juicy and perfectly cooked.

Photo by Ted Thompson: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

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