SHTF Dentistry: How to Pull Your Own Teeth (No Doorknob Required)

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DIY Tooth Removal in the Apocalypse: Go for It

teethersA small cavity often leads to a bigger one later, so you shouldn’t just let it go. If the cavity is just starting out, see our related article, DIY Dentistry: How to Fix a Cavity with Eggshells. On the other hand, if the cavity is large and badly infected, it can cause a lot of damage by spreading to your surrounding teeth. The infection can enter your bloodstream and cause sepsis, and the poison of a badly rotted tooth can even reach your brain. Like it or not, you may find yourself in an emergency situation where you have no choice but to remove the bad tooth if you want to survive.

If you are facing this type of survival situation after a disaster on a massive scale, you’re going to need to make a difficult decision. Modern dentistry will be gone in cases of a mega-catastrophe, and if your tooth is giving you fits, there is not going to be anyone available to care for you. So is it possible to pull your own teeth? The good news is, Yes. There are things you can do to take care of the bad tooth, and we’re going to tell you how to go about it.

Sure, what we are about to explain to you will probably hurt like hell when you perform it, but the relief felt afterwards will be welcome. Also, if you master these dentistry skills, they just might become marketable in the apocalypse.


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