T-Spine Stretch
What It Does: stretches the spine, glutes, and lower back to releases tension while lengthening the spine
How To Do It:
- For this stretch, you will need a knee support such as a backpack or pillow if you have one
- On the floor, lay down on your right side
- Make sure your body is in a straight line
- Bring your left leg up with your knee bent, creating a 90 degree angle
- Keep your hips stacked
- Place the backpack under the knee as a support
- Extend both arms straight out on the floor in direction your left knee is facing
- While keeping your knee on the backpack and your right arm on the floor, take your left arm up and over to the opposite side and try to touch the floor behind you with the back of your hand
- If you can’t touch the floor, don’t worry, you will later with practice
- Return to the starting position
- Repeat for a total of 10 times before switching sides