23 Most Ridiculously Amazing Deer Blinds Ever

If you think your hunting blind is legit, then you haven’t seen nothin’ yet. From portable wonders to sky high tree stands, these things should be on display in a frickin’ museum. While some hunters might feel fine with pulling out their wallets, not everyone is satisfied with buying things and rather build stuff themselves. Amazingly enough, most of these blinds were made with scratch material and a little redneck creativity. Who else could think of using a car, porta potty, or old trailer as a hunting blind? Only the most scrappiest people on this planet. Some of these things […]

How To Reduce Back Pain [While Enjoying The Outdoors]

Having lower back pain while hunting, hiking, or just having fun in the wilderness can really kill the mood. Once the back seizes up, your favorite outdoor activity is immediately overshadowed by a nagging discomfort that can last for days. This pain comes from the back muscles tightening up after sitting in a particular stance for a long time, making a quick movement, or picking something up incorrectly and can lead to a long term injury if not dealt with immediately. While back pain is one of the most common reasons why people go to the doctors, there are many […]

Top 8 Concealed Carry Handguns [Under $300]

With so many concealed carry firearms on the market, it’s hard to know where to start. But don’t let a high priced product fool you into thinking you are getting a dependable gun. There are many concealed carry weapons (CCW) that are under $300 that will do the job over and over again, giving you more cash for ammunition. If you’re purchasing a concealed handgun to have on you at all times and to use for protection, then you want a pistol that is lightweight, concealable, easy to operate, safe and most of all…cost-effective. I’ve rounded up key features you […]

Best Concealed Alcohol Carriers

Yes, rules are in place for a reason. But I’ve also heard that rules are meant to be broken. And carrying an open alcohol container is one of those rules that needs to be bent. Getting caught in public with an open container can come with a hefty fine that will take away from your next beer run… No one wants that. So I got ya’ll fourteen different ways to conceal your favorite alcoholic beverages when you’re out in public without getting caught. Enjoy and be smart! Wine Rack Finally! A bra that has purpose! This is the perfect gift […]

12 Ways To Work Smarter Not Harder [VIDEOS]

What happens when someone does the same work over and over and over again? They get creative so they don’t have to work as hard. It’s not a new concept. It’s evolution. Nobody likes work. It’s tedious, it takes up so much time, and it can be labor intensive. But what if you could cut down your workload while having fun? Work doesn’t have to suck. And it sure as heck does not have to be hard. And to prove it to you, I’ve put together twelve ways regular people have figured out how to work smarter, not harder… so […]

Game Of Rednecks [VIDEOS]

This is a fictional story about two redneck dynasties…both fighting for the throne of independence from capitalism by creating fun games with things around the house. Our story begins with the Noble Rednecks who are fighting to take over the Game of Rednecks and assume control of the throne. They have the intelligence, drive, and creativity… However, they must outperform the OG Rednecks who once ruled the game but have gotten pushed out and are hell bent on getting their power back. With only six rounds to prove themselves, who will outmaneuver who and gain the throne to the Game […]