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‘Tis the season, folks. The season to gather together with your very favorite people, put on cheesy sweaters, grab the old guitar case and…
Whip out a bunch of suppressor equipped carbines and start… Christmas caroling?
RELATED: Top 5 “AR-15s” on a Budget [Under $750]
To each his own, we always say. And though we tend to prefer choirs, candles and wassail (whatever the heck that is), we’ve gotta say… we’re suckers for anything with tactical shooting in it.
From all of us at The Patriot Caller, Merry Christmas to You and Yours and a Happy New Year!
Thus, we find ourselves enthralled, watching this performance with an enormous smile on our faces like a kid staring at a Red Ryder BB gun, dreaming about the amazing adventures his future may hold.
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