Why You Really Should Lock Your Doors [VIDEO]

Burglars like the one in the photo to the right are a rarity these days, nearly extinct. Learn why today’s burglars work very differently… If anyone calls you paranoid for keeping your doors locked at all hours of the day, send them a link to this post. It’s definitely an eye-opening look at how today’s criminals select their targets. Even better, send them to the video on page 2. This will clear up a lot of confusion about how most property crime truly takes place… and what “paranoid” behaviors are actually spot on. RELATED: Top 5 Shotguns for Home Defense [Under $300] […]

9 Ways to Harden Your Home Against Looters and Thieves

Since the “Ferguson” riots spread across the country like wildfire, Americans across the country have woken up to the reality that violent, destructive protests can descend on their town suddenly. In anticipation, we’ve received a bunch of questions about what kind of unforeseen impacts these protests and riots may have on nearby communities. In specific, lots of self-reliance aficionados have correctly realized that while the police are busy keeping an eye on protesters, they won’t be able to respond to property crimes, e.g. looting. On a small scale, the riots we’ve observed over the past several years are windows into what […]

Shotgun Defense: Are You Really Better Off With a Shotgun? [VIDEO]

If you read this blog often, you’re probably aware that I’m a big proponent of the pump shotgun for home defense (see my top 3 recommendations here). In fact, I often counsel students that if you only own 1 firearm, and you’re by no means what you might call a “firearms enthusiast,” I believe a pump-action shotgun is the best choice going away… Recently, I’ve received several questions about the true worthiness of a home defense shotgun. Specifically, many doubters argue that a shotgun is no better than handgun for home defense. While it’s true that a handgun is easier […]

Top 5 Shotguns for Home Defense (Under $350)

In most movies with climactic home defense scenes, the hero usually carries a semi-auto pistol or a Dirty Harry style .44 Mag revolver. There are two reasons for this: 1.) Hollywood movie producers know next to nothing about guns. 2.) These shootout scenes wouldn’t last nearly as long if the hero was armed with a pump shotgun. To drag a shootout scene out for maximum cinematic effect, many shots must be fired… and the vast majority of them need to be misses. If you know much about firearms, you can probably guess where we’re headed… Why the 12-Gauge Pump is […]

9 Minutes of Expert Tactical Firearms Training for FREE

When it comes to learning new skills, it’s really hard to beat YouTube. Often times, when I’m doing some automotive work on my truck, I’ll find an instructional video that details exactly how to replace the failing part. It’s amazing. However, the problem with YouTube is determining the credibility of the so-called “expert” in the video… especially when you’re dealing with serious topics like firearms and home defense. That’s why I was so excited to find these 3 short videos from tactical shooting instructor Clint Smith from the Thunder Ranch (Clint’s tactical shooting school in Oregon). In these 3 videos, Clint […]

Top 5 Guard Dog Breeds

Security systems have proven to be effective… when it comes to making people feel safer. But will they really help protect your family in an emergency situation? The answer is up for debate… The problem with traditional security systems is twofold: Yard signs, motion sensor lights, and cameras attract attention to your home, especially among experienced criminals. They rely on external systems that may fail in a crisis, such as the electric grid and police response times. In a true crisis situation, the best security systems is the one your ancestors have been relying on for thousands of years. Yes, […]