Not Using The Right Binocular Stance
It’s extremely difficult to get a still image when you are using optics without the assistance of a tripod. Shaky hands tend to be the culprit.
But this can be managed by using the right techniques when holding your binoculars.
If you’re sitting down, bring your elbows to your knees. Use your knees as makeshift tripod.
If you’re standing, put a cap on. Bring the binoculars up to your eyes and grab onto the brim of the hat to keep your hands steady.
If you’re hunting with a bow, you can use the limb much like a tripod and rest the binoculars on top.
Not Using Optics Correctly
No matter what you are using, binoculars or scope, the techniques you use to scan an area will play a huge part in how successful you are at spotting game.
First, concentrate your glassing on areas within your rifle’s range. There’s no point in finding game a mile out. You won’t be able to hit it.
Second, a lot of people will move their optics to find their target and unknowingly miss a lot of details and small movements. One way to fix this mistake is to pick a spot and move your eyes to scan the area instead of the optics. By moving your eyes within the field of vision of your optics, you will be able to cover more ground.
Also, it’s a good idea to stay away from sweeping motions. Instead, carefully observe your target area then move to a nearby spot and observe. Keep doing this until you feel comfortable with your terrain.