This is What Hyperinflation Looks Like [VIDEO]

One of the most destabilizing and, unfortunately, most likely scenarios that patriots worry about is an economic collapse. Unlike an earthquake or weather disaster, the effects of an economic collapse are felt all across the nation simultaneously, even around the world. Everyone living within the borders of the collapsing nation is hamstrung, with very few in a position to give any help. If you haven’t been paying attention to Venezuela’s economic slide, you may want to start. Since the rise of the socialist government in Venezuela, beginning with Hugo Chavez, the controlling regime has become more and more totalitarian. Now, […]

How to Build a SHTF Tin Can Heater [VIDEO]

Sure, there are a million survival stoves on the market. But if you’re like me, you’re a huge sucker for learning how to build your survival tools all by yourself, “MacGyver style” as I like to say… That’s why I was excited to come across this video, which shows how to build a low-tech alcohol stove out of a paint can, rubbing alcohol, and a roll of TP. In fact, this is an excellent time to add all 3 of these items to you survival checklist: 1 – large tin or aluminum can 1 – Large container of rubbing alcohol […]

7 Hotel Security Tips

Most survival tips are designed to help make your home more secure, like some kind of armageddon-proof fortress. And that’s a great thing… What many of these guidelines fail to realize, however, is that a person is much more vulnerable outside of their home, in unfamiliar territory so to speak. Especially when you’re traveling… If you’ve ever been the victim of a pickpocket, mugging, or theft, you probably weren’t in your own home. Opportunistic criminals make a habit of targeting travelers, precisely because tourists are generally unfamiliar with their surroundings and a little disoriented. They’re easy targets and they stick […]

How to Stack and Season Firewood

Summer’s over and the cold fronts are already starting to move across the country. Finally, it’s fireplace season (or fire pit season) once again. But of course, you’ll need something to burn… Stacking and seasoning firewood is by no means rocket science, but it’s not as simple as piling up a bunch of logs either. There are many subtle tricks of the trade that, when taken into consideration, can save you headaches down the road. Even if you do have a stockpile of firewood stacked neatly in the yard,  you may want to take a moment to check your work. 3 […]

Introducing The $50 DIY Fire Pit

If you live in a neighborhood, chances are good that the neighborhood association frowns upon massive bonfires burning in your back yard… too bad really. The good news is that building a fire pit to safely contain your backyard bonfires doesn’t require a major investment in either time or dollars. For about $50, you can build an impressive and sturdy, suburb-friendly fire pit to enjoy in your backyard. All of the pieces can be found at your local hardware store (Ace, Lowes, Home Depot, McCoys, etc.) and assembled in an afternoon — scratch that, about an hour. Materials List: Weber […]

Deer Hunting: A Lifetime Survival Hobby

There’s no doubt that hunting is a skill that could come in handy in a SHTF scenario. When the supermarket shelves are picked clean, supply lines are disrupted, and panic has set in across all urban areas, well, let’s just say your family probably isn’t going to be frequenting your favorite neighborhood pizzeria… Likewise, eating MRE’s and canned chicken for every meal, well, that could get old quick. Not to mention, most preserved foods are extremely high in sodium, which could exacerbate a variety of health problems. Needless to say, bagging some fresh animal protein from time to time would […]

5 Internet Privacy Tips

For years, those of us who dared to talk about NSA domestic spying were labeled complete “kooks” by the mainstream media. A few months ago, however, we learned that the NSA is listening in on nearly everything we do online, and had been for years! And they’re by no means the only ones working night and day to breech your privacy… The most clear and present danger to most of us isn’t the FBI, NSA, or even the KGB… it’s fraudsters, hackers, and identity thieves. But here’s the good news, you can protect against all threats at the same time, […]

10 Survival Foods You Should Be Growing

Gardening, whether it’s hydroponic, aquaponic, or traditional, is an essential survival skill. No matter how much food you have in storage, unless it can clone itself, it’s entirely finite. Even if it’s entirely secure and pumped so full of preservatives it could last a hundred years, it’s not truly sustainable. In fact, a diet loaded with heavy preservatives may send you to an early grave… No to mention, eating a diet consisting of bland, tasteless MREs may drive you insane. Remember, Columbus and other explorers were searching for more efficient routes to feed Europe’s cravings for spices. Food is critical, […]

Top 5 Guard Dog Breeds

Security systems have proven to be effective… when it comes to making people feel safer. But will they really help protect your family in an emergency situation? The answer is up for debate… The problem with traditional security systems is twofold: Yard signs, motion sensor lights, and cameras attract attention to your home, especially among experienced criminals. They rely on external systems that may fail in a crisis, such as the electric grid and police response times. In a true crisis situation, the best security systems is the one your ancestors have been relying on for thousands of years. Yes, […]

Brewing Beer: A High-Demand Barter Craft

I think it’s safe to say that most of us don’t have beer on our survival checklist (It’s not on my list of 20 survival essentials). And while it’s true that securing items like water, food, and shelter should be prioritized above enjoying a cold beer in a survival situation… mastering the art of fermentation sure would be a handy skill to have when the SHTF. You see, alcohol is a constant throughout history. At this moment, beer is ranked as the third most consumed beverage on earth, coming in just behind tea and water. Suffice to say, beer would be […]