5 Mortgage-Free Survival Cabin Ideas

It’s no secret that many of us within the self-reliance movement would absolutely love to build a survival cabin in the wilderness… Both to enjoy on the weekends AND to serve as a bug-out location in a long period of social/economic turmoil. The problem for most of us, as it is with most dreams, is being able to afford this dream. Buying property costs money, then on top of that you have to somehow finance the materials and construction of your idyllic “cabin in the woods.” Fortunately for any of you “log cabin dreamers,” there’s a virtual army of peppers, survivalists, nature-lovers, […]

7 Controversial Survival Secrets Learned From The Ukraine Civil War

Fortunately, most Americans have never had to endure a war on our home front. However, there’s a level of ignorance, and even a bit of hubris, that comes along with never having experienced the horror and powerlessness of a war raging in your own backyard… It’s a humbling experience, to say the least, to come face to face with a set of dire circumstances that you are simply powerless to change. To take a note from the following reports from inside the Ukraine war zone — war will take your best-laid plans and rip them to shreds. To help us […]

How Much Solar Power Do You Need? [VIDEO]

It’s amazing how little most of us understand electricity — shocking even — especially when you stop and consider how much we depend on it as a power source… Many of us can’t go 5 minutes without checking our smartphones, yet we don’t know the difference between AC and DC power. I’m not saying that every survivalists need to be a certified electrician, but a functional understanding of the basics, as well as safety precautions can come in very handy. If you have aspirations of constructing a solar backup system to sustain power throughout an emergency, it’s going to take […]

13 Prepper Uses for Vinegar

If you read this blog regularly, then you know that I’m a big fan of what I call “hyper-multipurpose items.” The best thing about these items isn’t that they serve multiple purposes at a high level — although they do. The best thing is that they allow you to become a masterful improviser. Items like paracord, aluminum foil, and hydrogen peroxide are a few examples. In this post, I’m going to nominate vinegar as one of the most useful items to have on hand in an emergency. Vinegar has way, way more than 13 uses. In fact, I’m positive that […]

The Top 17 Must-Have Items in Your First-Aid Kit

Most of us gloss over how important our health is, until we become ill… Then it becomes painfully obvious that, without our health, little else really matters. In a emergency situation, the premium we place on health is even higher. Access to medical care may be severely limited. If your plans include a remote location, the trip to the ER may simply take too long. In either case, you’ll need to become competent in dealing with minor emergencies. In order to do this, you’ll need a medicine kit with the proper tools. Here are the 17 most crucial items to keep […]

20 Emergency Uses for Duct Tape

When it comes to multipurpose items to have on hand in case of emergencies, it’s hard to imagine anything that tops duct tape. In the hierarchy of survival necessities, duct tape has to fall behind only food, water, and (maybe) firearms. You may think I’m being facetious –and maybe I am just a little bit — but duct tape really does constitute one of the most versatile items you can have in your bug-out bag, in your vehicle, and in your emergency storage cache. Here are 20 emergency uses for duct tape (and by no means is this an exhaustive […]

7 Survival Uses for Aluminum Foil

Necessity, as they say, is the mother of invention. In a SHTF situation, where supplies are severely limited, necessity appears just about everywhere you look. That means that knowing a multitude of survival hacks is the mother lode of problem solving… Ideally, your survival stockpile should be filled with what I call hyper-multipurpose items like duct-tape, hydrogen peroxide, and of course aluminum foil. Aluminum foil falls in right behind duct tape and bailing wire in terms of usefulness. I’ve compiled a list of 7 unusual uses for the stuff. If you get creative, I’m sure you could think of dozens […]

25 Survival Uses For Paracord: What Did I Miss?

If you’ve been to a gun show or outdoor expo recently, then you probably noticed that tons of guides and experts were wearing bracelets made from a thin piece of rope, AKA “paracord.” Paracord, in case you’re not aware, is an extremely strong form of nylon rope designed for parachutes — hence the name. These bracelets are actually more than just a fashion statement. When unwound, these bracelets are a powerful survival resource. Because they were designed to be used in life-or-death situations (parachutes) you can count on these cords being super strong. These paracord bracelets, keychains, and necklaces (you can find them for sale in […]

Get Home Bag Vs. Bug-Out Bag [Urban Survival]

You’ve heard of the “bug-out bag,” the “go bag,” and the “72-hour bag.” Lately, I’ve noticed an uptick in chatter regarding about something called the “Get Home Bag.” Seriously, how many bags is a guy (or gal) supposed to have? Sheesh. Not to mention, if you’re going to keep weapons in each of these bags, that’s a lot to keep track of… Not to paint with too broad a brush, but I’m guessing that you’re not the type of person with 12 different pair of black dress shoes, one for each nuanced occasion. But that doesn’t mean you should dismiss […]

3 Emergency Sources of Water Inside Your Home

ANSWER: In the event that your home’s water supply has been compromised, the first step you should take is to turn off the water service at the shutoff valve, usually located at the water meter. This will ensure that the water currently in your home’s plumbing is not tainted. Under ideal circumstances, you’ll be close to home when a crisis occurs, where you’ve stored an adequate emergency water supply, at least enough to last your family for 30 days: 1 gallon per person per day + water for sanitation. But what if your storage plans aren’t complete in time? Or what […]