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YETI Unveils the First Ever $5,000 Cooler, CODENAME: “Ridicooler”

Since the beginning of this “high-end cooler hysteria” began, we’ve heard a chorus of hunters and outdoor types screaming one of two main responses: 1. I can’t believe how amazingly cold this freaking cooler keeps my Bud Light! 2. How in the hell can these folks at YETI sleep at night, charing $450 bucks for a dang cooler!? Well, you may not believe it (especially if you’re in group 2), but the folks at YETI have found a way to top their past efforts… And they’ve done so with the release of the astounding $3,500.00 YETI “Ridicooler,” for folks who […]

How to This World Champion Shoots a Pistol [VIDEO]

If you like shooting pistols, and you haven’t heard of Jerry Miculek… it’s time that we fix that for you. Not only is Jerry a champion in the world of competitive shooting, he’s also an excellent self-defense shooting instructor. If you want to take your shooting to the next level, Jerry’s got several small adjustments that will produce massive improvements for you in  terms of accuracy and speed. RELATED: Top 5 Handguns on a Budget [PICS]  In this video, Jerry sheds some light on how to make dramatic improvements on your stance and your grip. The coolest thing with Jerry’s tips is […]

If Your Knife Isn’t Sharp Enough for Shaving… READ THIS

Not that you’ll wanna chunk your gillette in the trash and start dragging that old Buck knife across your stubble every morning, but keeping each of your knife blades sharp is important for many reasons. A super sharp knife saves time, effort, and literally makes your cutting tasks safer. It could even end up saving your life… But it will definitely impress your friends with your superior sharpening skills (and who doesn’t want that?). Click here for a STEP-BY-STEP VIDEO Therefore, if you do not already have a knife sharpening routine, it is essential to learn how to make each […]

How Would You Get This Family of Black Bears Out of Your Pool? [VIDEO]

We’ve discuss the proper ways to handle a bear encounter on Patriot Caller at length, but those tactics mostly apply to bears encounter “in the wild.” The situation featured in this crazy video is much, much different. This bear encounter involves an entire family of bears and one above ground pool. Yes, the description reads like instant YouTube gold… RELATED: How to Survive a Bear Attack Even though these bears are invading a backyard swimming pool, several key “bear survival” tactics clearly apply here. First and foremost, it’s important to note that this is a momma bear and her cubs. […]

How to Fix a Flat Tire With a HILLBILLY FIREBALL! [VIDEO]

When you’re out four-wheeling in the backcountry, a flat tire can be a very big deal… while a tire that’s been knocked off the bead can be disastrous or worse. It could leave you stranded in a very desolate area in harsh weather conditions. That’s why it’s very important to a.) Keep your vehicle stocked with all the emergency essentials (including tools and a spare tire) and b.) To know a few tricks of the trade in case you and your vehicle get in a bind. RELATED: Top 8 Bug-Out 4X4s Straight Off the Lot [SHTF PREP] One of these […]

You Won’t Believe This Simple Headache Cure

Approximately 14 million Americans suffer from chronic daily headaches, and many more occasionally experience tension type headaches or migraines. This not only makes sufferers feel miserable but it can also cause their personal and professional lives to suffer, especially if they have a chronic condition. The good news is that there are several methods that you can utilize to help stop a headache in its tracks, including one technique that you may not have considered before. Photo by Sarah

6 Cooking Hacks for Fishermen and Hunters

  While heading home after a successful fishing or hunting trip, you are most likely going to begin daydreaming about cooking up a delicious meal. However, many of the most common recipes either take a long time or can lead to complications such as burned meat unless you are extremely careful and adept at cooking. To help you avoid these issues and enjoy your catch more thoroughly, we have compiled a list of easy to use cooking hacks for fishermen and hunters. Photo by Grand River Conservation: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Ted Cruz Shares His “Machine Gun” Bacon Recipe [VIDEO]

Though some may call it superfluous, ridiculous, or a waste of perfectly good ammo… Texas Sen. Ted Cruz calls it “cookin’ breakfast.” At Patriot Caller, we’ll call it what it really is: A shameless attempt to get the Republican presidential candidate some free publicity… as well as an apparent misuse of the term “machine gun.” Still, we do believe it’s important that you, the American voter, gets an opportunity to see your presidential candidates as they shoot a firearm. It just seems practical. If we’d seen the way President Obama handles a shotgun, would he have been elected? It’s hard […]

3 Simple Recipes to Make Awesome Venison Jerky

Making jerky is a great way to get the most out of any meat, including venison. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the drying method that is used to make jerky is one of the oldest food preservation resources in the world. If done properly, jerky can be left in a stable shelf environment instead of needing to be refrigerated. Please note that you must heat venison to at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit before you begin the dehydrating and drying process. Failure to follow this step could expose you to harmful bacteria. There are numerous recipes and venison […]

Will a Bite From This Snake Cost You $153 Thousand? [PICS]

QUESTION: Will a bite from the snake pictured above bankrupt you? It doesn’t take a herpetologist (reptile scientist) to know that it’s extremely dangerous to get too close to a rattlesnake. But even if you do survive a bite, what are the financial ramifications? Let’s just say that, if the venom doesn’t get you,  the hospital bill might scare you to death… ANSWER: Take a look at this hospital bill. It very well may shock you… Remember the Rattlesnake bite story I did Monday? Guy just sent me this pic of his bill. Uhhhhhhh….. — Dan Haggerty (@10NewsHaggerty) July […]