10 Great Guns for $249 or Less!

Whether you’re looking for a concealed carry weapon or simply want to get the most bang for your buck possible, there are more cost-effective options out there than ever before. We love high-end plinksters and collectibles as much as the next guy. But if keeping your shooting sports on budget is at the top of your list, we’ve got good news: There are plenty of reliable, even highly rated guns on the market for less than $250… sometimes much less. So whether or not you’re working with a limited budget, it’s still wise to consider adding at least one or two of […]

The 2 Guns Donald Trump is Packing… (On the Record, at Least)

President Donald Trump has sparked a controversy or two in his still young presidency with his strong opinions. But one thing that’s not so controversial about this candidate is his choice in firearms. Often criticized for “shooting from the hip” when speaking to the media, many Americans may still be wondering exactly where “The Donald” stands on the carry issue. As a self-proclaimed lifelong New Yorker, one might assume that Trump doesn’t own any personal firearms, or that he’s had relatively little exposure to shooting sports, as he resides in a city well know for its restrictions on the 2nd Amendment. […]

Shooting Mishaps: First Time Shooter Fails [VIDEO]

Tragically, many Americans never get the opportunity to learn to shoot and that is just plain wrong. Introducing new shooters to the wonderful world of marksmanship is of paramount importance for any firearms enthusiast.  The future sanctity of the 2nd Amendment (among other things) depends on it. BUT… it’s also extremely important that each new shooter is introduced to shooting sports the right way, safely. Many of the folks in the video below aren’t first time shooters and have no excuse but to plead stupidity. The others, many of them women, simply didn’t receive the proper coaching necessary to make their […]

Ted Cruz Shares His “Machine Gun” Bacon Recipe [VIDEO]

Though some may call it superfluous, ridiculous, or a waste of perfectly good ammo… Texas Sen. Ted Cruz calls it “cookin’ breakfast.” At Patriot Caller, we’ll call it what it really is: A shameless attempt to get the Republican presidential candidate some free publicity… as well as an apparent misuse of the term “machine gun.” Still, we do believe it’s important that you, the American voter, gets an opportunity to see your presidential candidates as they shoot a firearm. It just seems practical. If we’d seen the way President Obama handles a shotgun, would he have been elected? It’s hard […]

[VIDEO] Amazing Belt-fed .22 Will Blow Your Mind (and 100 Rounds in 12 seconds)

As much fun as it would be to shoot a fully automatic rifle… when you stop to think about ammo prices (not to mention all the legal paperwork), it’s hard to imagine fully enjoying burning through hundreds of dollars in ammunition in 60 seconds flat. Just about the only ammo inexpensive enough to burn up this freely is, drumroll please, the mighty .22lr! RELATED: [VIDEO] Redneck Rocket Launcher Watch as this woman rips through 100 rounds in a matter of seconds. This looks like some serious fun!

9 Minutes of Expert Tactical Firearms Training for FREE

When it comes to learning new skills, it’s really hard to beat YouTube. Often times, when I’m doing some automotive work on my truck, I’ll find an instructional video that details exactly how to replace the failing part. It’s amazing. However, the problem with YouTube is determining the credibility of the so-called “expert” in the video… especially when you’re dealing with serious topics like firearms and home defense. That’s why I was so excited to find these 3 short videos from tactical shooting instructor Clint Smith from the Thunder Ranch (Clint’s tactical shooting school in Oregon). In these 3 videos, Clint […]

Deer Hunting: A Lifetime Survival Hobby

There’s no doubt that hunting is a skill that could come in handy in a SHTF scenario. When the supermarket shelves are picked clean, supply lines are disrupted, and panic has set in across all urban areas, well, let’s just say your family probably isn’t going to be frequenting your favorite neighborhood pizzeria… Likewise, eating MRE’s and canned chicken for every meal, well, that could get old quick. Not to mention, most preserved foods are extremely high in sodium, which could exacerbate a variety of health problems. Needless to say, bagging some fresh animal protein from time to time would […]

Why Hunting is the Ultimate Survival Pastime

Wanna know a dirty little secret? The majority of patriots in the survival movement don’t know how to find their own food out in nature… It’s true! Many of us focus on the material resources that we need to survive — canned food, water, generators, etc. — that we don’t focus enough energy on our survival skills like construction, gardening, foraging, and hunting… In fact, I’d argue that foraging and hunting are two of the most important survival skills you can develop, but not exactly for the reasons you might think. Yes, hunting could put food on the table during […]