Hold on, There’s a Leopard Feeding on an Impala on My Deck [VIDEO]

As a time honored, centuries-old art form, taxidermy often gets short shrift from the highbrow types who control the coastal “art centers” here in the US. But wouldn’t those snooty jerks be surprised if they looked out their back door to find an extremely lifelike leopard snacking on an impala… or an antelope driving a car… or a rhino ordering a scotch and soda? Heck yeah they would! RELATED: Watch These 2 Huge Bobcats Face Off in a Suburban Yard [VIDEO] We’d love to see the horrified looks on their snobby faces, but alas, we’ll have to settle for the fine work of […]

CRAZY: 2 Huge Bobcats Face Off in Suburban Front Yard [VIDEO]

Lots of suburbanites can relate to waking up to the sound of a morning catfight going on in the bushes outside their front window. But this bizarre catfight takes it to a whole new level… In fact, the sound of these two bobcats squaring off in a suburban Dallas front yard is enough to make you wet the bed. Just listen to these cats go, wow! Luckily it was caught on tape, or no one would ever believe that there was no just one large bobcat trolling this quiet Carrolton, TX neighborhood, but two. Two cats is all it takes to […]

Watch This Crazy Guy Poking an Anaconda With a Stick [VIDEO]

Although the Anaconda movie franchises were mostly horrifically funny, rather than horrifically terrifying, that doesn’t mean you can take the actual snakes lightly. As you can see from this video, one man decided that a huge anaconda laying up on the side of a swamp was something to be toyed with… Hopefully we can all learn from his mistakes. Anaconda’s rarely hunt humans, though encounters can be very dangerous due to the snakes’ size. Green anacondas, the largest species of these snakes, have been known to top 15 feet in length and weigh in at over 150 pounds. Lucky for […]

Armadillozilla: Workers Unearth Up World’s Largest Armadillo? [VIDEO]

You never know what you’re going to find when you start digging around the old ranch with a backhoe… …you might find a rattlesnake den, or a massive prehistoric armadillo specimen like these guys! RELATED: Cottonmouthzilla: This Will Make You Think Twice About Swimming in the Creek [VIDEO] We’re not sure where this video was captured, since armadillos range from the US southward through Latin America. One thing is for sure, the men who dug this monster up clearly know that they’ve found an ‘dillo for the record books. Check it out:

How NOT to Release a Bobcat [VIDEO]

We’re not exactly sure why these two shovel-toting gentlemen are fooling around with this bobcat, but the result is an incredible, entertaining, and highly educational piece of video footage. While many people, including the woman in this video, think of bobcats as fairly benign creatures, they’ve been known to put up quite a fight when they feel threatened. In this instance, the bobcat has been snared in a trap of some kind. RELATED: Crazy Bobcat Attacks a Coyote in a Public Park [VIDEO] Was the trap set by the men in this video, or someone else, we don’t know. This could easily […]

Hunt Deer Like a Pro on Your First Time Out

The ability to successfully hunt deer is a skill that brings food to the table and puts clothing on your family’s backs. A good hunter never allows any part of the deer to go to waste. They also do their homework and do their research to better understand the tips for hunting and processing a deer properly. If you’re a novice to the sport, you should take the time to understand the intricate details before you get started – it may save you a great amount of hassle if you do. First things first – in order to master this […]

How Would You Get This Family of Black Bears Out of Your Pool? [VIDEO]

We’ve discuss the proper ways to handle a bear encounter on Patriot Caller at length, but those tactics mostly apply to bears encounter “in the wild.” The situation featured in this crazy video is much, much different. This bear encounter involves an entire family of bears and one above ground pool. Yes, the description reads like instant YouTube gold… RELATED: How to Survive a Bear Attack Even though these bears are invading a backyard swimming pool, several key “bear survival” tactics clearly apply here. First and foremost, it’s important to note that this is a momma bear and her cubs. […]

6 Cooking Hacks for Fishermen and Hunters

  While heading home after a successful fishing or hunting trip, you are most likely going to begin daydreaming about cooking up a delicious meal. However, many of the most common recipes either take a long time or can lead to complications such as burned meat unless you are extremely careful and adept at cooking. To help you avoid these issues and enjoy your catch more thoroughly, we have compiled a list of easy to use cooking hacks for fishermen and hunters. Photo by Grand River Conservation: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Will a Bite From This Snake Cost You $153 Thousand? [PICS]

QUESTION: Will a bite from the snake pictured above bankrupt you? It doesn’t take a herpetologist (reptile scientist) to know that it’s extremely dangerous to get too close to a rattlesnake. But even if you do survive a bite, what are the financial ramifications? Let’s just say that, if the venom doesn’t get you,  the hospital bill might scare you to death… ANSWER: Take a look at this hospital bill. It very well may shock you… Remember the Rattlesnake bite story I did Monday? Guy just sent me this pic of his bill. Uhhhhhhh….. pic.twitter.com/ahK2W9KxVg — Dan Haggerty (@10NewsHaggerty) July […]

Watch This Crazy Fisherman Hand Feed a Wild Snake [VIDEO]

Think snakes are dumb? Think again… The title of the YouTube video is literally “Dumb Snake,” which has got to be one of the most grossly inaccurate titles we’ve come across in a long time. This snake sits in the reeds, spots the man offering him a free fish, and swims on over nonchalantly for a free lunch. For a human, this behavior might be seen as “dumb,” but for a snake? RELATED: 10 Incredible Snake Videos You Can NEVER “Unsee” As best we can tell, this snake has been trained, or conditioned rather, to climb up on a small pier […]